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舞蹈敬拜队在教会预备了两年后,有一天主告诉我:「我要预备他们出去。」我问主:「要去哪里?」主说:「我已为他们预备一个地方,有人会来找你。」每一次我们出去服事,都不是我们去找人,而是别人来找我们,实在很奇妙!后来我收到一间不认识教会的Email邀请,要我们在主日的时候参加服事,我不知道他们是如何知道我们的。我们就是这样开始走出去的,后来慢慢开始参加一些外面的活动,如在城市广场、密西沙加,也开始和一些团体出去宣教,如参加Jesus in the City, 多伦多环城祷告游行,很奇妙地,神打开很多门带我们出去,同时祂也兴起菲律宾的舞蹈敬拜队,以及一些在舞蹈敬拜上有恩膏的人来帮助我们。
EC 口述
Forming a Worship Dance team
Back to the time when I was still in Malaysia, I had two dreams. In the first dream, I arrived at a very high mountain. This was God's mountain and He was on the mountain top. I saw I led a group of people dancing and they were all wearing white wedding dresses. After two or three days, I made the same dream again. Through these two consecutive and identical dreams, the Holy Spirit had revealed my future ministry.
At that time I would never consider to form a dance team. With a baggage of cultural and traditional values, I would feel very shy and even humiliating to dance in front of a congregation when not invited. Besides, the few Chinese churches that were to my knowledge did not have a worship dance team giving me no model for a reference.
Until two years after I came to Canada on July of 2005, the Lord took me to the Second Heaven one night. He told me that was a spiritual realm between the Heaven, where God's throne resides, and the Earth. It was filled with clouds and mists. In front of me was a colossal temple hanging in the mid air. Inside the temple were some gigantic columns as profound as a big tree or even a mountain. Each column was wrapped around by a different kind of snake. The snakes were enormous with trunk the size of a big tree and continuously sticking out their forked tongues. Although I was walking among the columns, the snakes could not harm me because I knew I was with the Lord and had much peace in my heart. Also I was carrying a double edged sword which the Lord gave me during a trip to hell hence I was not afraid. There were more than twenty columns all arranged in a very orderly way. Each snake was leading a different tribe of evil spirits. I was marveled to know the evil spirits also had their own tribes and they were awaiting to war.
The main message the Lord revealed this spiritual realm was to let me know the primary purpose of the worship dance team was to prepare for this spiritual war. The function of a worship dance team was not only to celebrate but also to involve in a battle.
At the beginning I was very reluctant to start this ministry even after being shown the Second Heaven. I bargained with the Lord. I said my right and left arms were not balanced; my movements were stiff and I could not dance. Besides, there were many dance talents in our church; such as the dance professor and the graduate from the dance and drama college. I could not understand why God would involve me in a worship dance ministry and therefore I made a few requests.
I said to the Lord, 'If you really wanted me to take up this ministry, you will provide me with the teaching material.' Then after three days, a dance teacher from Malaysia I had not contacted for three years sent me a parcel. To my surprise, she said she wanted to give me two CDs on dance teaching. In this amazing way, the Lord granted my first request. I felt a bit helpless and decided to make life difficult for the Lord. I remembered Gideon from the Bible when he asked God to wet and dry the fleece on two occasions as a confirmation that God wanted to save Israel by Gideon's hand. (Judges 6:36-40). I thought I could mimic Gideon and asked God for a second condition.
I said to the Lord, ' A ministry needs money. The dance costume, the stage property such as tambourines and flags are all legitimate expenditures. Since I don't have the money, you may probably spare me from this responsibility.' But the Lord replied with an audible voice, 'It's you!' One week later, I made some money from a part time job. I knew it was quite impossible to earn this money unless it was the Lord's provision. So again the Lord satisfied my second requirement.
Later the Lord visited me one night and said 'You are to take up this ministry!' Yet I presented the Lord with the third request, 'Although there are teaching material and money, I can't do it all by myself. You need to give me dancers and tell me who they are upfront. They need to approach me instead of I going after them one by one. Because if this is really what you wanted and as you have convicted me, surely you can convict them ! Only then can I confirm this is the ministry you want me to take on.' That night, the Lord showed me clearly the team members in a dream and said they would find me. I knew all of them except one with long hair partially covering her face whom I never met. The Lord said I must wait for this person to come. Until then the worship dance team would be complete and be official to start.
One by one these people came to me and shared with me how God moved them and how they dreamed of me. The amazing part was how their dreams overlapped with mine. Ultimately I promised the Lord to start the worship dance ministry.
At the beginning the attack was fierce. There were many opposition voices. We needed to close our eyes and focused on the Lord while dancing. We eventually moved pass those time and were very proud looking back. Indeed God's way and Man's way are very different !
Two years later, one day the Lord told me, 'I will prepare them to go out.' I asked the Lord, 'to where?' The Lord replied, 'I have prepared a venue for them and someone will approach you.' Each time we served, we did not take the initiative but were invited. This was really wonderful ! Gradually we started to perform outside the church in some functions and started to partner with some organizations for evangelism. God wonderfully opened many doors outside the church and at the same time He raised up a Philippine worship dance team as well as some anointed worship dance experts to help us.
I realized serving in a ministry was not because I was capable; it was because the Lord wanted to do it and so the Lord prepared for everything. Our part was to respond to His calling and 'Go!'. We do not need to worry where the Lord will take us. We just need to be faithful in our position and God himself will open the door !


舞蹈敬拜队在教会预备了两年后,有一天主告诉我:「我要预备他们出去。」我问主:「要去哪里?」主说:「我已为他们预备一个地方,有人会来找你。」每一次我们出去服事,都不是我们去找人,而是别人来找我们,实在很奇妙!后来我收到一间不认识教会的Email邀请,要我们在主日的时候参加服事,我不知道他们是如何知道我们的。我们就是这样开始走出去的,后来慢慢开始参加一些外面的活动,如在城市广场、密西沙加,也开始和一些团体出去宣教,如参加Jesus in the City, 多伦多环城祷告游行,很奇妙地,神打开很多门带我们出去,同时祂也兴起菲律宾的舞蹈敬拜队,以及一些在舞蹈敬拜上有恩膏的人来帮助我们。
EC 口述
Forming a Worship Dance team
Back to the time when I was still in Malaysia, I had two dreams. In the first dream, I arrived at a very high mountain. This was God's mountain and He was on the mountain top. I saw I led a group of people dancing and they were all wearing white wedding dresses. After two or three days, I made the same dream again. Through these two consecutive and identical dreams, the Holy Spirit had revealed my future ministry.
At that time I would never consider to form a dance team. With a baggage of cultural and traditional values, I would feel very shy and even humiliating to dance in front of a congregation when not invited. Besides, the few Chinese churches that were to my knowledge did not have a worship dance team giving me no model for a reference.
Until two years after I came to Canada on July of 2005, the Lord took me to the Second Heaven one night. He told me that was a spiritual realm between the Heaven, where God's throne resides, and the Earth. It was filled with clouds and mists. In front of me was a colossal temple hanging in the mid air. Inside the temple were some gigantic columns as profound as a big tree or even a mountain. Each column was wrapped around by a different kind of snake. The snakes were enormous with trunk the size of a big tree and continuously sticking out their forked tongues. Although I was walking among the columns, the snakes could not harm me because I knew I was with the Lord and had much peace in my heart. Also I was carrying a double edged sword which the Lord gave me during a trip to hell hence I was not afraid. There were more than twenty columns all arranged in a very orderly way. Each snake was leading a different tribe of evil spirits. I was marveled to know the evil spirits also had their own tribes and they were awaiting to war.
The main message the Lord revealed this spiritual realm was to let me know the primary purpose of the worship dance team was to prepare for this spiritual war. The function of a worship dance team was not only to celebrate but also to involve in a battle.
At the beginning I was very reluctant to start this ministry even after being shown the Second Heaven. I bargained with the Lord. I said my right and left arms were not balanced; my movements were stiff and I could not dance. Besides, there were many dance talents in our church; such as the dance professor and the graduate from the dance and drama college. I could not understand why God would involve me in a worship dance ministry and therefore I made a few requests.
I said to the Lord, 'If you really wanted me to take up this ministry, you will provide me with the teaching material.' Then after three days, a dance teacher from Malaysia I had not contacted for three years sent me a parcel. To my surprise, she said she wanted to give me two CDs on dance teaching. In this amazing way, the Lord granted my first request. I felt a bit helpless and decided to make life difficult for the Lord. I remembered Gideon from the Bible when he asked God to wet and dry the fleece on two occasions as a confirmation that God wanted to save Israel by Gideon's hand. (Judges 6:36-40). I thought I could mimic Gideon and asked God for a second condition.
I said to the Lord, ' A ministry needs money. The dance costume, the stage property such as tambourines and flags are all legitimate expenditures. Since I don't have the money, you may probably spare me from this responsibility.' But the Lord replied with an audible voice, 'It's you!' One week later, I made some money from a part time job. I knew it was quite impossible to earn this money unless it was the Lord's provision. So again the Lord satisfied my second requirement.
Later the Lord visited me one night and said 'You are to take up this ministry!' Yet I presented the Lord with the third request, 'Although there are teaching material and money, I can't do it all by myself. You need to give me dancers and tell me who they are upfront. They need to approach me instead of I going after them one by one. Because if this is really what you wanted and as you have convicted me, surely you can convict them ! Only then can I confirm this is the ministry you want me to take on.' That night, the Lord showed me clearly the team members in a dream and said they would find me. I knew all of them except one with long hair partially covering her face whom I never met. The Lord said I must wait for this person to come. Until then the worship dance team would be complete and be official to start.
One by one these people came to me and shared with me how God moved them and how they dreamed of me. The amazing part was how their dreams overlapped with mine. Ultimately I promised the Lord to start the worship dance ministry.
At the beginning the attack was fierce. There were many opposition voices. We needed to close our eyes and focused on the Lord while dancing. We eventually moved pass those time and were very proud looking back. Indeed God's way and Man's way are very different !
Two years later, one day the Lord told me, 'I will prepare them to go out.' I asked the Lord, 'to where?' The Lord replied, 'I have prepared a venue for them and someone will approach you.' Each time we served, we did not take the initiative but were invited. This was really wonderful ! Gradually we started to perform outside the church in some functions and started to partner with some organizations for evangelism. God wonderfully opened many doors outside the church and at the same time He raised up a Philippine worship dance team as well as some anointed worship dance experts to help us.
I realized serving in a ministry was not because I was capable; it was because the Lord wanted to do it and so the Lord prepared for everything. Our part was to respond to His calling and 'Go!'. We do not need to worry where the Lord will take us. We just need to be faithful in our position and God himself will open the door !
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